Posted in General

Changes to PIERREO.COM

Do not be surprised if you start seeing some changes to and this blog.

With the guidance of David, I have been progressing with modifications I wanted to do a long time ago – just never had (or wanted to take) the time necessary.

I have already upgraded the version of WordPress that I use and will soon learn (by trial and error I am sure) how to modify the theme and look of the blog.  You will probably not notice a lot of the changes I am making, unless you bother to ‘explore’ my sites – yes, sites with an ‘s’.  Here is what I have so far:

PIERREO.COM – the main site and home for all the other.  Also the home for this blog.  The main purpose of this bolg will remain ME!  This is a way to share my life with you the reader.

PIERREO.BE – There have been time when I have wanted to react to world events and solicit ideas and opinions from others on the subject.  I always hesitated to do this in MY blog, and therefore I will set-up a separate bolg where I can be more provocative and, hopefully, get some interesting debates going

TWIMPG.NET – This will be my travel site.  I will gradually include there photos from the trips I have taken over the years (I am already working hard on Japan).  Maybe, after I get more ambitious, and certainly more familiar with the INTERNET, this may also become a general forum where people can share information and advise on various destinations.

LES-LAVES.COM – I have not yet decided what to do with this one.  As I Learn more using the ones above, maybe something will come to me.  I just wanted to reserve the name, just in case.

Please (and I mean this) let me have your comments, ideas and suggestions.  You can comment directly to this post if you are not shy about having everybody see what you say, or drop me a note if you want to do so privately.  Thanks in advance for your help in this endeavour.

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One thought on “Changes to PIERREO.COM

  1. Pierre, it seems as though you’re getting over the shyness of your public persona.

    This reminds me of a presentation that my friend Doug McDavid made a few weeks ago at the ISSS Madison meeting. He decided to make the point that “the media is the message” in his keynote presentation to 100 people, and took his Powerpoint slides into Second Life. We toured his island, looking at billboards.

    To give him some energy, I had my son Adam (sitting beside me) load up Second Life on his computer, and come in as my avatar. As Doug was giving his presentation, Adam decided to change the look of my avatar … which looks like stripping down and changing clothes to viewers in Second Life. While people accustomed to the virtual world don’t find this unusual, it did raise some eyebrows amongst the uninitiated.

    On your own web site, you can be fearless of changing your look in public! If you don’t like the way it looks, it’s easy to change to something else!

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